
NRA Firearms Sourcebook

Without question the most comprehensive review of technical gun knowledge, ballistics, safety and firearms history ever compiled into a single volume!
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Without question the most comprehensive review of technical gun knowledge, ballistics, safety and firearms history ever compiled into a single volume! The newest printing of the NRA Firearms Sourcebook includes updated timelines and sources, along with seemingly endless information on gun safety principles, ballistics data, firearms design and assembly, shooters' terminology and much more. Produced by NRA Publications, this respected compendium has been expanded to 534 pages. It distills over 130 years of accumulated firearms information into a single format that remains accessible and relevant to gun owners today. If you ever wondered how rifling is made, or wind drift is calculated, or how collectors grade firearms ' this is the book for you! Softcover. 534 pages.
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Your state recently rushed through legislation making it unlawful to communicate to those under 18 about broad categories of firearms, parts, and accessories. This includes not only information about their purchase and use, but also the promotion of firearm safety and training. This law also restricts communications that promote an organization such as ours.

As a result, the NRA is forced to restrict the sending of certain materials and information into your state.

This restriction is made under protest, but we have to do this to comply with your state’s infringement on the freedoms of speech and association of the NRA and our members, supporters, and the general public.

Once this unconstitutional law is struck down or repealed, this restriction will be removed.


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